Durante el curso 2018-2019 las alumnas Arantzazú García e Inés Fortes del Ciclo Formativo de Grado Medio de Gestión Administrativa, que realizaron el módulo de Formación en Centros de Trabajo en Irlanda en la localidad de Wexford, a través de una beca ERASMUS, han sido reconocidas junto a tres estudiantes más.
En el correo recibido destacan su esfuerzo en la empresa, la motivación y el entusiasmo que han mostrado durante toda la movilidad, así como las ganas de aprender inglés, aprovechando todas las oportunidades, tanto en la empresa y en los cursos de formación como en su tiempo libre.
Como puede apreciarse en el correo recibido:
“It is my pleasure to tell you that one of your groups has been voted for as the group of the year 2019.
These students studied very hard and were motivated and enthusiastic throughout their five week stay. This impressed our language teachers.
They spoke English also outside of the classroom, included students from other nationalities and were always polite and well spoken.
Host families and also the work-places Spectrum and the Medical Centre mentioned the students’ professional, modest and positive attitudes.
It was an outstanding group and we are proud to have had the opportunity to meet such special young people.
We would like to reward them with a certificate and a little prize.”